Customer Service Update

VAT Invoicing

Dear Customer,

We wrote to you recently to advise of a technical issue which impacted the collection of certain VAT charges between the period of November 2023 and April 2024.

Please see below a set of supporting questions and answers which we hope will address any concerns you may have:

What is this charge?

This charge relates to the VAT element of the PCI fees and/or your monthly terminal charge.

Why am I being invoiced for this now?

Due to a technical issue, this was not invoiced. We wanted to ensure the issue was fully resolved and tested prior to any client outreach.

Is this an additional charge?

No, this is a retrospective amount, due to you not being invoiced for the above items since November 2023. Furthermore, this is recoverable as part of your VAT return (if applicable).

Are you allowed to charge me for this?

As this fee relates to a taxable element of your account with us, this is payable and recoverable via your VAT return (if applicable). Further information (if required) can be found in section 17 (Fees and Charges) of our terms and conditions.

Who can I speak to about this issue?

You can contact us via the chat function. Or alternatively, call us on 0371 200 1436 (GB) or 0371 200 1437 (N Ire).

What if I want to dispute/complain about this issue?

You are within your rights to raise a complaint with us, you can do so by emailing our complaints team at