Here’s how to print reports from your machine

Sagepay Verifone

  1. Choose the REPORTS option
  2. In the Reports Menu, choose the report you want to print and press Enter

FDGL Verifone

  1. Choose the REPORTS option
  2. In the Reports Menu, choose the report you want to print and press Enter

FDGL Ingenico

  1. Select Menu button
  2. Select Menu button again
  3. Select TOTALS
  4. In the TOTALS Menu, choose the report you want to print and press Enter


  1. To view reports, login as an administrator or as an employee with reporting privileges
  2. Open the Reporting app
  3. This will by default show a 24 hour period from 12am to 11:59pm
  4. Reporting time can be changed on the Clover Dashboard or by calling Clover support
  5. Press the print icon in the top corner of the screen
  6. You have the option of doing this for the device itself or a total for all devices on the mid
  7. Please note this is an X read of the current 24 hour period and is not batching your terminal


  1. When the Idle screen is displayed, press the REPORTS button
  2. Swipe the supervisor card and enter the local password (default 0000)
  3. Choose the report you require from the menu displayed and press Enter